I know why this happens, at least on my machine.

I dual boot between windoze and Linux.  The Linux server is updated to
6.5.1, but the windoze server is still 6.5.0.

When I change OS, the server tells me that the firmware in the player
needs to be updated.  

The problem is solved by getting both server installs to the same
version.  In Linux I get a notification that a new version is
available, so I DL and install it.  Under windoze, you don't get the
notification (is there some way to do this?) so unless you check
periodically, you don't know there is a new version.  

Of course, when I DL and install the Linux version I should know
there's a new windoze version too, but since I'm booted into Linux, I
don't bother to DL the windows version, and I forget the next time I
boot into windoze until the SB3 reminds me by displaying the cryptic
"firmware needs to be updated" message.


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