I've had this up and running for a while now, with generally good
results. My setup is:

Old HP Vectra VL400 (Pentium 3 733Mhz, built like a tank, very quiet)
Ubuntu "Edgy" Server
Slimserver 6.5.1
Hauppauge WinTV Nova-T

Things you may want to think about are that:

a) DVBShout will only stream stations within a SINGLE multiplex - so on
DVB-T (Freeview) you have to choose a subset of BBC stations if that's
what you're looking for. If the stations you're looking for are all on
the same multiplex then you're fine, and channel changing is almost
instantaneous. If you want the full range of BBC stations then an
alternative (not tried..) would be to use a Nova-S card and satellite
dish, where all are broadcast on the same multiplex.

b) The current release version of DVBShout (0.2) doesn't cope very well
with any signal dropouts or blips. If you pull the latest SVN source and
compile then it is much more forgiving and (my experience) totally

c) The Squeezebox doesn't support multicast, so you need to use
DVBShout in conjunction with Icecast to get a useable stream.

d) If you are looking for a wider range of UK stations then the other
alternative is to find an old Wavefinder on eBay and use (on Windows
only) with DABBar. This combination will happily change between
channels across multiplexes. The disadvantage is that the DAB bitrates
are lower than DVB-S or DVB-T and the hardware can be more

However, DVB-S DVB-T or DAB will all sound MUCH better than the low
bitrate Real Audio or Windows Media BBC Internet streams!

I won't pretend that the whole DVBShout setup was completely
straightforward to install, but it was my first experience of Linux and
quite an interesting challenge. My next thought is to add Streamripper
to the mix to record favourite shows in high quality as a complement to
AlienBBC / Listen Again.

Good luck!


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