Going back to the first message in this thread (and others similar to
it), I think the root issue underlying whatever frustration
users/customers are feeling is not really open vs. closed source. 
Rather, it generally comes down to performance (i.e., perceived lack
of) and/or bugs (usually real, rarely imagined).  As many have
mentioned, better development processes/control (incl. regression
testing, etc.) would help address the latter.  The former is more
difficult, and perhaps a large portion of performance issues come down
to the code base.  There may be certain operations that PERL, PHP,
etc., may never be able to perform as efficiently as C dialects or
other compiled programming languages.

I have no idea what's towards the top of Logitech/Slim's priority list,
but I'm wondering whether they aren't stepping back to take a look at
the whole server package, and figuring out whether some parts of it
shouldn't be modularized and then written using a code base that will
address sluggishness and other performance symptoms.  Of course this
wouldn't be easy, but it would probably make it easier to release a
server-in-a-box product (if that's what they have in mind) that would
not get savaged by reviewers testing with large and/or complex media

Balthazar_B's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7366
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