bpa;183396 Wrote: 
> Using the latest ActiveState tools, I've tried to rebuild SlimTray.exe
> exactly as 6.5.1 - however the resulting version didn't work because of
> the changes to libraries also latest ActiveState is build 820 and I
> think 6.5.1 was built using 819.
> So I've patched SlimTray.pl as per my previous posts for GetProcessPid
> and the port 9000 bug. I rebuilt SlimTray - it works and doesn't leak
> handles on my system.
> :
> :
> If there are no problems I'll post the patches to Developers.

NICE work, bpa!  I was about to rewrite SlimTray in C (which I may
still do - 13Mb for that little thing?!!?!?) but your fix delays the
need for that.  Definitely a bug in the libraries too, since handles
should never be leaked but still, very nice catch on your end.

- S

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