Like many people here, my reaction to the purchase of Slim by Logitech
was... let's say "mixed". Lots of concerns over whether it is a good or
bad thing, whether I'll lose Linux support, whether new devices will
have the same sound quality.

I personally doubt that Logitech will kill the quality of our favourite
device, and even if they do develop a "low-fi" version, there is still a
market for higher-fi, perhaps the model range will expand.

However I have come to the conclusion that when you look at the big
picture, even if Logitech were to do the absolute worst... close-source
new versions of SlimServer, de-support everything except Windows,
de-support older Slim boxes, drop hifi devices and other evils, it
doesn't really matter.


1. Existing Squeezeboxes and Transporters will still be good.
SlimServer itself can be forked by the community and kept current for a
long while, even without firmware updates to the devices. Even as the
copyright holder, you can't close-source previous versions of something
under the GPL, only future versions. So, your current device will be
useable for years to come.

2. Other devices that perform the same core functionality already
exist. By that I mean "stream music from hard-drives or network at
high-fidelity". That is the guts of it... the SB's nice display and RSS
plugins and such are just gravy. If a hole is left in the market by
changes in the Slim direction, someone else will fill it, and do it
better. Sonos, Hifidelio, and others already fill slightly difference

If you don't like the other alternatives available now, there will be
better ones around long before your SB becomes useless.

We all owe Slim Devices a debt of gratitude for showing that not only
can you make a network music player, you can make a very good one at
low cost with an open development model. They have changed hifi
forever. Anyone who has enjoyed a device like this can't go back to
putting dumb CDs into players again.

To Slim Devices: I've very happy with my Squeezeboxes and if the
quality and openness continues under Logitech I'll most likely buy more
in the future. If it doesn't, I'll be sorry to see you go, but it'll be
okay. Accept my thanks for opening up a new market, but I'll buy from
those that fill your shoes.

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