Sorry for the OT question, but I am quite sure that several members
would have faced a similar query before:

While my main focus has always been audio, over the past few years I
have started building up a small collection of DVDs too. Not being sure
of what the best format to rip them would be, I used DVD Shrink to
create ISO images without additional compression. So now I have a bunch
of ISOs which range from 3GB - 8GB. I know how to mount them and watch
with any standard software DVD player, and also that they play directly
with VLC (fine on the PC, variable on the mac), but is there a more
elegant solution like Slimserver, that can directly create a library of
ISOs and stream/transcode the, over a local network? If ISOs are not the
best format, what are some other formats that can be used that won't
further compress the vide files?



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