
I would really love to have a possibility to reduce the volume of my
SB3 automatically when playing internet radio.

When listening to my own tracks, I am using replaygain with a basic
volume of 89 dB. Now when I switch to a internet radio station, the
compressed volume of the stations almost blows out my speakers and
every time I have to reduce the volume manually and put it up again
after switching back to my own library.

The change in volume is especially disturbing in the night, so having a
way to avoid these extreme volume changes would be very valuable.

One possibility might be a general setup value just like the "PREAMP
VOLUME CONTROL" in the player setting. Something like "INTERNET RADIO
VOLUME CONTROL". Another way would be an option to adjust the volume
setting individually with every entry in the Favorites list.

Is there a way to do this already and I just missed it?


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