mswlogo;193517 Wrote: 
> People think SPDIF has to processed immediately to the DAC as it
> arrives. It doesn't. That how DTS, AC3, work. SPDIF is just a
> transmission medium and it doesn't have to directly drive your DAC
> clock. It can be buffered and often is and the SPDIF is just a
> transmission medium and as long as like you said they arrive in order
> with correct values then it's the consuming device that should reclock
> it and be responsible for timing of it. And that's how most equipment
> is these days. There is no need to make the bits any "squarer" if they
> are already good enough.
> The DAC clock has to lock (in some manner) to the SPDIF clock.  Because
the input and output clocks are nominally (but not exactly) the same as
each other, you can't just buffer the data and have it take care of

Have a go at designing and building yourself a DAC, and you will start
to appreciate the issues involved.  It's really not quite as
straightforward as you seem to think it is!

Patrick Dixon
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