Peter;193768 Wrote: 
> NAS's are usually run by people who don't want to run a real 24/7
> server, for whatever reason. Perhaps we should make a poll of it but
> I'm betting the majority of NAS users are not running Windows. Well,
> that's to be expected, but I'm betting it will be even less.
> People by a NAS because they don't want to run a server. People who run
> Linux usually don't have such qualms.

Sounds like a variant on the "bizarre definition" that JJZolx
mentioned. Is a NAS not "real" server because it (typically) only runs
Samba, and doesn't run Apache, sendmail, nfs, etc.? I would venture
that people buy a NAS because they want to run smbd and nmbd, although
that wish might be expressed as "I want everyone in the house to be
able to access the music files". A NAS is a server, that runs the
daemons one set of buyers wants, and is less expensive to buy and run
than "real" server, especially at the consumer-grade end of the NAS

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