I manage my music & playlists on my laptop, but have a shadow music
storage on a NAS at home and run slimserver from a home server (been
both windows box and linux box from time to time) pointed to the NAS. 
With this setup, the built in iTunes playlist usage in slimserver
doesn't help (as my local iTunes Library.xml file is on my laptop).  

I tired a few iTunes playlist export utilities, but none fixed the fact
that the path (and if I was using the linux box for slimserver, forward
slash vs. backslash in the paths) is different between my iTunes
Library.xml and where slimserver expects to see files on the NAS.  This
left me doing a series of editpad search and replaces every time.  Which
not surprisingly meant I didn't update the slimserver playlists very

Recently, I wrote a PowerShell (formerly know as Monad) script that
will parse the iTunes Library.xml, make the necessary path conversions,
output extended m3u playlists to my NAS playlist directory, and force a
slimserver rescan.

In the case anybody else out there would find something like this
helpful here is the script.  Just fill in the right paths, etc. in the
Variable Setup section and it should work fine.  FWIW, it takes about
55 seconds to complete the conversion of my 6000 song, 100 playlist
iTunes Library on my Core 2 Duo laptop.  Its been 10 years since I
wrote any code so excuse any inefficiencies that may offend a pro.

--------Powershell Script---------------------------

# Key Variable Setup

$itunesxml = "C:\XXXX\XXXXXX\Music\iTunes\iTunes Music Library.xml"
$oldpath = "file://localhost/X:/"
$newpath = "\\SERVER\Music\"
$olddirsep = "/"
$newdirsep = "\"
$blocklist = "Library", "Movies", "Music", "Party Shuffle", "Podcasts",
"Purchased", "TV Shows"
$rescan =

# Export Playlists & Rescan Slimserver Library

$playlisttrigger = $false
echo "" "Parsing Library . . . " ""
gc $itunesxml | % {
if (-not $playlisttrigger) {
        Switch -regex ($_) {
          '(<key>Track ID<.key><integer>)([0-9]*)(<.integer>)' {
                $nametemp = "NAMEERROR"
                $timetemp = [int] -1
                $loctemp = "LOCATIONERROR"
          '(<key>Name<.key><string>)(.*)(<.string>)' {$nametemp=$matches[2]}
          '(<key>Total Time<.key><integer>)([0-9]*)(<.integer>)'
          '(<key>Location<.key><string>)(.*)(<.string>)' {
                $tracktable += @{"$idtemp" = @{ "name" = $nametemp; "playtime" =
$timetemp; "location" = $loctemp}}
          '<key>Playlists<.key>' {
                del "$plloc*.m3u"
                echo "Writing Playlists . . . " ""
else {
        Switch -regex ($_) {
          '(<key>Name<.key><string>)(.*)(<.string>)' {
                foreach ($bltemp in $blocklist) {
                   $bltemp = "^$bltemp"
                   if ($matches[2] -match $bltemp) {
                if (-not $skippl) {
                   if ($emt) {del temp.tmp}
                   if (test-path temp.tmp) {Move-Item temp.tmp $newm3u}
                   Add-Content temp.tmp $newstr
          '(<key>Track ID<.key><integer>)([0-9]*)(<.integer>)' {
                if (-not $skippl) {
                   $newline="EXTINF:" + $tracktable[$id].playtime + ", " +
                   Add-Content temp.tmp $newline
                   $newline=$newline -replace $oldpath, $newpath
                   $newline=$newline -replace $olddirsep, $newdirsep
                   $newline=$newline -replace "%20", " "
                   Add-Content temp.tmp $newline
if ($emt) {del temp.tmp}
if (test-path temp.tmp) {Move-Item temp.tmp $newm3u}
echo "Initiating Rescan of Slimserver . . . " ""
$wc=New-Object net.webclient
$runtime=(New-TimeSpan $starttime $(get-date)).TotalMilliseconds/1000
echo "Completed" "" "Script Run Time: $runtime seconds" "" "Press any
key to exit"
$null = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")


PS.  Not sure why this Forum collapsed the indenting in the script, as
I know this makes it harder to read.

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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=35608

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