qbaser;210210 Wrote: 
> Well thanks Autopilot, I downloaded both those softwares and installed. 
> Trouble is I still cant get the Mobile Player to play anything.   
> I type in http://(myIP):9000/stream.mp3 and it says connected to slim
> server.  That bit seems ok.  But then when i click on browse for music,
> there is nothing there, this is despite having both slimserver and
> TVersity running?  
> Am I meant to do something else?
> Ive read the instructions but still cant make sense, hope someone can
> please help me.
> Thanks
> Al
> p.s. I should also mention that I cannot stream any music from my
> laptop either (when i type ).  all
> that happens is a download box appears and starts downloading stuff?
> Al

Right, forget slimserver. You dont need it for this, it's just
confusing matters. And forget about all this connecting to a http
://***.***.***/stream.mp3 business. You don't need to do this either.
It's not how UPNP works and it would be crap anyway as you would always
have to change the track/album via the server.

Assuming that you PDA connects to your PC via you network perfectly
fine (tested this?), you simply just need to have TVersity running.
TVersity will need pointing to you music folders like Slimserver does
to build a library and you will probably also need to setup up for fire
wall. In theory, TVersity should now be broadcasting on the network and
any UPNP clients should be able to automatically detect it and

Have you made sure you have conduits setup for UPNP? Download and
install the UPNP plugin from here -

Now, if everything is working correctly and you have a connection to
your PC, you should just simply be able to go in
Browse->Network->select the UPNP server. Then you will see option for
Music, album, artist etc.


*SlimServer:* 6.5.1 (Windows XP) + AlienBBC, SlimScrobbler & Last.FM.
*Amp:* Cambridge Audio 640a (living room) / Denon MD30 (bedroom).
*Speakers:* Mission 701's (living room) / Kef Cresta 1's (bedroom).
*Remote:* T-Mobile MDA Vario / Sony PSP / Nokia N95 / Harmony 525
*Clients:* 1 Squeezebox 3 + Softsqueeze.

'LAST.FM' (http://www.last.fm/user/domrevans/)
autopilot's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1763
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=36136

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