iPhone;237911 Wrote: 
> One only needs to know one word "Microsoft". If they are involved one
> just knows to stay away. The player itself is not a bad MP3 player in
> general terms. But the way Microsoft forces everybody to use it if one
> wants to get the most out of it is what sucks. So if one is looking for
> an expensive MP3 player that should only be used for ones own ripped WMA
> files its OK. IMO one would be better off with about anything else.
> Microsoft saw all the money Apple was making and wanted in on the
> greed. If they had been smart they would have looked at what Apple
> could not do or not allow and opened up their player, then offer 75
> cent downloads. Microsoft will never in our lifetime understand the
> term “open architecture” or the advantage it could give them. They are
> to smart for their own good and can not bring themselves to find a way
> to make money off of an open system.

I find this an odd argument coming from a user called iPhone. I don't
disagree with the anti-Microsoft sentiment, but the same can be said
for Apple, in some ways more so. They force users to use their hardware
if you want to run their OS. To my knowledge you can't mount and browse
the contents of an iPod reasonably without hackware. For years they
sold only tracks on iTunes store that wouldn't play on anything but
iTunes or iPods.

Personally, when it comes to music players, I stay away from both.



"the Nokia770 skin guy"
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