
I just went to use my SB2 and found that the screen wasn't waking up. 
Upon investigating:

1) The screen appears completely dead.  When I remove and apply power
no splash screen appears.  Selecting different brightness levels
doesn't help.

2) I can ping the SB2 on the wireless network and see the device in

3) There's a red glow from the optical output

4) If I play music on the SB2 remotely using the web UI audio is
produced but only if I set maximum volume and even then it's very quiet
on the line out.  I've not tried the headphone jack.

5) The SB2 responds to the infra red remote control normally.

I have a 2nd SB2 so I've been able to test on another external PSU. 
Open circuit PSU voltage is 5.2v on both and using the PSU from my
other SB2 doesn't help.

Any idea?  Seems that only the screen and perhaps final audio amplifier
stage is down.  Some sort of internal PSU failure?

I'm in the UK so I'm wondering whether I'd do better to replace a blown
component myself or return to Slim Devices - presumably a long round
trip time for me.  Device is several years old so it's well and truly
out of warranty :(

Any advice appreciated.


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