
I work in a chemistry lab and currently listen to music at work by
having a 15gb ipod connected up to a powered bass and speaker setup. My
problem is I have in excess of 80gb of music I would like to have access

What are my options?

there is a computer in the lab, but no wireless. the computer is for
multiple users so can't just be left playing as others have seperate
logins. I have considered buying a new ipod or equivalent but ipods
seem to have a limited lifespan, and equivalents seem very pricey for
large drives.

I've considered a SB1 as I wouldn't want an expensive desktop (ie new
SB) solution as it would only get damaged in the lab. Is my only option
hoping to find something on ebay?

Do I have any other options?

i'm in the uk btw.

any thoughts on a music solution would be appreciated.

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