I have a SB3 connected to a Qnap TS209, everything works well, both are
good pieces of kit.  However since BST ended and we're back on GMT my
SB3 is still showing the wrong (old) time.

I don't know where the SB3 gets it's time from and how I configure it. 
So far I have logged on to the GUI for the TS209 and ensured that it's
pointing to a reachable NTP server.  The TS209 is able to get the
correct time and logging on to the TS209 via putty and running the date
command shows that it's got the correct time.

I've had a look at the SB3 and gone into as many menus as I can find. 
>From memory I went into Squeezenetwork and I think I saw an entry for
Time Format and Time-Zone.  The Time-zone is correct and the time in
this menu option is correct.  However when the date/time screensaver
kicks in I still get the wrong time displayed.

Has anyone seen this before?  I'm sure the problem is probably between
the keyboard and the chair.

Any help appreciated.

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