The other day when listening to the SB3 (wireless) any FLAC song played
started to fade in/out.   This has on occassion happened before.   I
was able to minimize it by moving the router and SB3 a little bit. 
When this has happened before - I noticed that the wireless strength
was low (50% - 68%) and it increased when I either changed channels or
moved the router.

Well this time the wireless strength was good (75%-87%) but the FLAC
files were still fading in & out.  So I decided to do the Network Test
Plugin and was very surprised that even at 1000 kbps it was only avg.
about 80%. I thought that was odd with such high Wireless Strength.

So I switched channels on the router from 11 to 1.   This resulted in a
Wireless Strength of 50% - 66%.  I then did the Network test again and
(surprise) it gave me 3000 kbps at 100%, 4000 kbps at 97% and 5000 kbps
at 92%.   

What gives?????    Isnt the wireless strength the indicator of the
reception of the SB3?  How can I stream at higher levels when the
wireless strength is lower?

Thanks for your replies.

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