Mark Lanctot;240591 Wrote: 
> It turns out that the exchange rate has very little to do with pricing. 
> Things are priced at what the manufacturer feels the market will bear.
That's how free market economics work. :)
Mark Wrote: 
> That doesn't make it right, but that's how it is.  Europe is more
> expensive to do business in than the U.S. due to taxes and bureaucracy
> - so is Canada.
In fairness, we do get things in return for those taxes. Cheaper
squeeaebox vs. free heart surgery? You pays your money and makes your
Mark Wrote: 
> You can get a Squeezebox here off the U.S. website, but the extra
> charges will easily add $100 to it.  The worst is "customs and
> brokerage", it seems this is a random number - there have been times I
> haven't been charged anything, but once it was $50 on a $200 US order.
The customs charges are fixed and the brokerage fee varies by carrier,
but can easily be determined prior to ordering. I order a couple of
hundred pounds worth of electronic components from the US recently and
quick calls to C&E and Parcelforce informed me of the exacty charges. 

The times you don't get charged are 'escapes' but they are fewer and
further between these days as C&E are focussing more on personal
imports as the volume has increased with more people ordering on line
from aboad. 

Of course, you -should- inform C&E of any escapes and pay the relevant
duty and VAT ... ;)

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