I was getting all excited about finally getting the second Squeezebox,
one for in the bedroom. My old one is a squeezebox white, about two
years old, so it still has the Slim Devices logo on it. 

The new one is the Squeezebox black. Again, it is a beautiful design.
Everything about it just feels right (although, just as with the old
squeezebox, you can see on the metallic face plate that the screws are
just a bit too tight... as it bulges slightly at the screw settings). 

So there I am with two squeezeboxes, but the fun was not to last: my
old one completely gave up the ghost. Logitech support has been very
responsive, all I am waiting for now is where I can bring it back for
repairs in Sydney. 

Hopefully, not too far in the new year, I will have two working units

Best wishes for all at the Logitech/Slimdevices team, and to all the
contributers to this truly amazing product (and a big thank you for all
the hard work on SqueezeCenter).




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