radish;255595 Wrote: 
> I think people are looking for it to be a uPnP server rather than
> client.

Yes - I don't know the terminology, but I thought the context would
make it more obvious.  Slimserver should serve Rokus and the
like...whatever functionality that is.  That way, my AV receiver, my TV
and my SB/Transporter can be clients of SC.  Otherwise I have to run 2
servers and as more clients get added to my network, and the DLNA stuff
matures, the DLNA server becomes more strategic to me and I potentially
start looking at replacing the SC server (although my sunk cost in
SB/Transporter will help keep them alive).  I'd prefer for SD to be
able to control the other devices due to it's current functionality and
I'd probably be compelled to maintain an "audio only" server solution if
it did.  I'm not sold that you have to have one server for audio, video
and pictures too.  But that's primarily because the current options for
that stink.  The fact is that you need focus on each of those areas for
their unique applications, but all servers tend to treat them the same.
The one that does a good job at all three could really take some
share...it could also drive your client decision over time.

I, like many on this forum, am willing to pay more and go through some
level of pain to get the audio quality that SD provides, but I do have
a limit to the amount of complexity I'll take on without obvious
benefit.  For now, an SC server is very beneficial and the players are
some of the best out there.  As time goes on, the DLNA servers will
improve and high-quality players will be common.  SD will have to have
made some smart moves.  The more embedded they are in my home media
network, the better for them IMO.  Right now, it's a stovepipe for SD

BTW - I don't really understand the difference between a DLNA server
and UPnP either, but hopefully this still makes sense.

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