andyg;257735 Wrote: 
> Any radio directoy such as Reciva could be implemented similar to
> RadioTime, it's just a simple hierarchical listing of radio stations.

It is simple, but the Reciva implementation is far more convincing than
the current mish-mash of radio directories available on my

I can't help but think that Slim Devices/ Logitech are missing a trick
here: have they actually sampled Reciva radios to see what exactly they
do and how easily they do it?  Certainly the UK market for internet
radio devices appears to be building some real mass-market momentum. 
And of course radios using the Reciva platform can also stream the
content of a media library just like Squeezebox.  The popular Roberts
WM-201 even plays FLAC, in addition to packing an alarm clock, remote
control, wi-fi/ ethernet connectivity and decent stereo amplification
with iPod inputs and so on.   It typically sells for no more than the
cost of a Squeezebox yet appears to offer the mass-market consumer so
much more.

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