hau;262161 Wrote: 
> The problem is that the packet which is sent from the internet is
> otherwise structured as a WOL packet, but in fact is a UDP packet sent
> to a certain address (unicast). (My ADSL router then forwards it
> internally to the specified address.) 

Hmm. So here's an idea: try making that static ARP entry point to the
broadcast MAC: "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF". 

This is a very strange and generally inadviseable thing as if it works,
it will let someone on the internet create broadcast traffic on your
LAN. However it would be an interesting test to do, although it is
possible that your router will (justifiably) refuse to send the packet
to the broadcast MAC via a static ARP entry. However if it works then
maybe firewalling that port to only allow your remote IP to reach it
would be acceptable to you.

Another thing to try would be to use a port redirect to send it to the
broadcast IP, usually X.X.X.255.

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