
I have a transporter connected to my PC.  When I am not listening to
music, I often hibernate my computer.

>From time to time, well after my PC is down, a message pops up on the
display.  The message is displayed for about 5 seconds and is always at
full brightness.  I do not see any pattern as to why this message shows
up at any particular time:

"Problem: Can't connect to SqueezeCenter"
"Left to go back, right to try again."

This happens regardless of using the wired or wireless connections. 
This happens regardless of whether or not the transporter was "off"
when I hibernated my computer.

I do have my transporter set to brightness 0 when off, and *usually*
turn off the transporter prior to hibernation.  However, this doesn't
seem to matter.

This message shows up hours after my PC has been hibernating.  Usually
it shows up twice in a row.  Sometimes the message shows up again and
again in the span of an hour or so.  At other times it doesn't appear
to happen for a long time (or I'm getting used to it and starting to
ignore it).

Does anyone else see this behavior?  If so, can you let Slim Devices
know as their tech support as been unable to reproduce this behavior.

Much Thanks,


Relevant info:

"SqueezeCenter Version: 7.0 - 15712 - Windows XP - EN - cp1252"
Firmware: 34
The ethernet MAC address for this player is: 00:04:20:10:04:9e

mrthreeplates's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=565
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