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Take a look at it this way what functions do the slimserver/SB do that
would need to be replicated in hardware.

1. Transcoding from IP to audio via various codecs.
2. Database search
3. Web serving
4. File serving
5. IP communicating

The SB already does 1 so no need for a specialist device to do this the
DSP chips already do it. 5 is already done in specialist chips so they
are available for integration.

Right so items 2, 3 and 4. These are really useful functions that are
used throughout the IT world. If these could be done in hardware then
this would be fantastic as databases are used extensively.

OK so does Oracle or IBM produce a specialist hardware chipset that
handles database searching/interaction. Unless someone knows better
they don't and IBM having chip manufacturing capability would be able
to do it if they wanted to. In fact they both use high performance
general purpose processors.

There are hundreds of websites served around the world. How many of
these use a hardware device. Even webservers embedded into simple
devices like routers use general purpose microcontrollers.

Finally file serving. A NAS is a specialist file serving box so how
many are driven using a specialist device. Most seem to be driven using
a general purpose microprocessor.

So the point being that some very big companies would benefit
enormously from specialist hardware that could perform such core
functions. Now if Oracle, IBM or others can't do it then what chance
does Slim/Logitech have.

Zaragon's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=14577
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