I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiments of this thread. I would love
to hear from the shouters as to why they feel the best way to approach
problems is to use brute force.

Modern technology has become so powerful that most people cannot hope
to understand it fully. I include myself in this group. There are folks
who try to aid communication between those who do understand the
technology fully and the rest of us. We cannot live without each other
as these modern complicated pieces of equipment need the experts to
produce them and the majority to buy and enjoy them. Anyone who
attempts to pervert communication between these two groups is in my
opinion shooting themselves in the foot.

I am certain that the majority don't want to go back to the days of
shellac and windup gramophones. 

Please post nicely.



SB3>CyrusDACX>PreXvs>NAP140+260A>KEFiQ7, Avondale and Naim cable,
Kubuntu Gusty Gibbon server, linkstation for storage.
DIY SB3 3A linear power supply.
Using SqueezeCentre7
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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=43308

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