I have a Harmony 659, 880, and now a Harmony One - All will do a fine
job controlling an SB3. 

The web connection allows you to find your devices in a database and
have them set up automatically. You can then add all of the other
commands that are specific to the original remote into the soft buttons
on the touch screen.

As a tip, I would very much recommend fully setting up all Devices
before moving to Activities, which are the one-button macros. Make sure
the hard buttons are set up to do what you want for that Device - Then
add all of the other commands from the original remote for each Device
into the soft buttons for that Device (These commands are also in the
database - just select them) This will insure that all commands are
availabe as you set up Activities.

Activities have a Wizard interface to make sure each device is
controlled in such a manner that they all work together. The Activities
have both hard and soft command buttons, also. You can customize the
remote so that it will act exactly like you want it to - If you think
"this remote is OK, but I really wish it would _______________" - Just
go into setup and tell it to do exactly that.

Good luck - You can't go wrong with a Harmony !

whdean's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=9127
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