haunyack;268726 Wrote: 
> Who said anything about "productive"?
> Start another thread if you wish to discuss production.

Oh, sorry, I forgot that you own this thread and have the right to tell
others what to post where.

At risk of violating the board rules, I will say something I would not
normally say... Since it is Truth, it should be very much acceptable,
and since you are so avid about using other people's resources for your
own "Free Speech" rights:

You are an arrogant, hypocritical ass.

You post deliberately nasty statements, deliberately offending the very
people that may be able to help you, and then being coy about it and
dismissing the reality that when people think you are an offensive ass,
they won't help you.

I sure won't.

> This thread is ostensibly concerned with the affects of "free speech"
> on individuals and the greater good of this forum, and Pat originally
> started this discussion with concerns over thread titles.

Bullpuckey.  It is about how being offensive only hurts you in the end.
This board is not paid for by US Taxpayers: it is private property.  
There is no right to Free Speech here, nor should there be.

Unless you believe that I have free speech rights to have a protest in
your living room.

snarlydwarf's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1179
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=43308

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