I like this forum very much. I have received lots of helpful patient
advice and sometimes when I have felt brave enough contributed some
ideas, help myself. I have no personal experience of being flamed,
trolled, nor have I seen any instance of it. That maybe is because the
threads I follow do not attract that type of abuse. 

I am however worried with the idea of moderation because of the risk
that it it could be perceived  as a form of control by the
"authorities" in this case Logitech. 

It appears to be a bit sledgehammer to crack a "nut", and lock down a
really useful thread, which may have been running for some time. Surely
it is better to remove an offensive post, if more than n members have
complained, as an alternative to a moderator locking down a thread
which they perceive to be going "inflammatory". 

Other alternative approaches to the problem have also been proposed in
this thread. Is there any way that we the members / peers could vote on
what we feel to be the most appropriate way of dealing with the problem.
We are all grown ups and members of this SB community.


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View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=43308

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