I've been using a Squeezebox for a bunch of years now, serving FLACs to
the boxes around my house without issue.  I've always had things set up
so that my FLACs are converted to WAV on the PC and only then streamed. 

I noticed recently that tracks were getting chopped off in the last
second or so (particularly noticeable on gapless albums).

And then today (while playing with my new Duet - yummy) I found that
some FLACs wouldn't play at all...  the tracks kept rebuffering but
never playing...

When I turned FLAC options back to NATIVE, ie stream FLAC and decode in
the client all the issues went away...  turning back on the option to
force transcoding into WAV prior to streaming brought back the

So I have a solution (set FLAC decoding to NATIVE, although I'd prefer
to stick with my original setup as I felt it sounded better), but I
wanted to report the problem in case anybody has a similar setup and is
noticing problems.

I've only noticed this issue (track truncation) in the past month so I
guess it's a recent breakage...



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