mherger;284173 Wrote: 
> "normal people" is a very loose definition. Don't get me wrong. But
> you're not normal ;-). "normal people" use Windows or (still normal?)
> OSX. SC comes with a nice installer for these platforms. No need to
> fiddle with modules on those systems.
> Marginally "normal people" use something as esoteric as Ubuntu and run
> "apt-get install squeezecenter". This takes care of the modules, too.
> What OS/platform are you using? I'd guess it's some non-Debian Linux or
> a x64 platform?
> Technical support cares about "normal people".
> -- 
> Michael

I am running Mandriva (32 bit).  I think that Red Hat and Novell/Suse
(and the vast majority of commercial users of Linux in the US) will be
quite surprised to hear that any Linux other than a Debian-based one is
now esoteric.

As for the old "just use apt-get" refrain, there *is* an RPM for SC,
and furthermore I am using the tar ball, which is supposedly completely
self-contained.  What could be easier than just extracting that
somewhere and starting SC in its toplevel directory?  Of course the
problem is that it doesn't like one of its *own* modules.  I was not
supposed to have to fiddle with the modules (in fact once I was able to
print out the error message where it fails, one of its suggested fixes
is to run the tar ball version!).  Unfortunately, the tar ball Perl
code is apparently self-inconsistent.  Adding a fancy "installer" to
avoid me having to manually extract the tar ball would have helped not
one whit here.

Anyway, the point was not that there was a code problem, the point was
that tech support didn't provide a *single* useful suggestion about how
to go about finding out what was wrong.  This is Perl after all, so
basic debugging should be similar on every platform.  Pretty bad if
they go, "this is a non-Debian Linux so we just have no clue what to
do."  Remember, everything except for the scanning was running fine,
and I, after spending less than an hour reading about Perl, was able to
diagnose and fix the trouble quite quickly.  If the tech support person
knew anything at all about the SC code and/or Perl, they should have
been able to provide assistance.

I really am very impressed with the Duet, and would like to be able to
heartily recommend it to friends.  However, based on my experience,
tech support is completely useless.  You saying that was simply because
I wasn't running Windows, etc., does nothing to inspire confidence;
quite the opposite.


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