>>I used the SqueezeCenter webapp, but I'd like to use iTunes if
possible. I know iTunes clients can see daap and Firefly.

I'm on the exactly same boat. I love squeezecenter, I have installed it
on my media center, it works perfectly with my Roku Soundbridge (I had
connection problems using Firefly). I can play music on my MCE/Stereo
using the webui (and softsqueeze also running on my MCE). BUT sometimes
I just want to listen to music on my laptop and I miss some kind of rich
client where I can easily search and play songs. I find it a hassle to
startup a local softsqueeze/iTunes stream everytime, select it and send
songs to it. One thing I really loved about Firefly is that is able to
serve an iTunes shared library which I could browse easily. Also I
could live with just using the squeezecenter webui if it had the
possibilty to play songs directly from the webui (like .mp3
attachements in gmail).

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