radish;293750 Wrote: 
> An average user should be running 7.0.0, which wouldn't have had this
> problem. When you use a pre-release version of SC7 your controller will
> start getting pre-release firmwares, and if you're not willing to put up
> with breaks you shouldn't be using them.

7.0.0 was absolutely unusable for me and most anyone running slimserver
on windows.  We had no choice but go to the beta 7.0.1  I would hate to
be the average user still stuck on 7.0.0.

Mine was working fine until the update loop, I'd be more than happy not
receive another update until 7.0.1 goes gold.  We need the ability to
turn off automatic updates once we get a stable build for our
particular uses.

Jeff Flowerday
Jeff Flowerday's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=15883
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=46509

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