Apologies if this has been covered before, I did search the forums
without success.

Is it possible for 2 independent users to share a SqueezeCenter between
them, but not have control over each others players?

For example, if you life in a household with children, you may wish to
give them an SB receiver of their own in their bedroom - but you would
want them to have access to each others receivers or to the main
household ones in the living room or in Mom & Dad's room. 

Is this possible? Or would they each need to run their own server? If
they each ran their own instance of SC on their own PC, assuming they
still share a LAN based network, is it still possible to stop one child
attaching to the other's server using either their SB Controller or
their web browser?

I'm think of the same scenario applying in student houses, who may want
to pool their music onto one box, or in small guesthouses; where the
owner may wish to put a music player in each room but not allows other
guests to accidentally wake each other up!

Thanks in advance,



Ben - eco conscious techie and author of Jaffa's Green Blog -
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