kdf;299946 Wrote: 
> On 7-May-08, at 10:29 PM, Michael Herger wrote:
> [color=green]
> > IMHO this is would be a _great_ opportunity for a plugin developer. 
> > If it's well done, it can eventually end up in the main  
> > distribution, as so many plugins did (RandomMix, SongScanner, new  
> > Favorites, old ShoutcastBrowser...).
> ...
> Then again, it's a simple ui for a global copy of prefs from one  
> player to another. One page, two pulldowns and maybe an output section 
> showing the raw prefs for the chosen source and destination client.

OK, see http://www.tux.org/~peterw/slim/SettingsManager.html :-)

I'd still like to implement a couple ideas I laid out in
1) an API for other plugins (SaverSwitcher could really use that!)
2) the ability to drill down and choose specific settings rather than
simply full namespaces as the plugin currently allows
Pretty much all the other ideas are in the plugin now.
Plus it could use some Web cleanup & JavaScript helpers.

I'd love to hear feedback.



free plugins: http://www.tux.org/~peterw/#slim
AllQuiet BlankSaver FuzzyTime PlayLog PowerCenter/BottleRocket 
SaverSwitcher SettingsManager SleepFade StatusFirst SyncOptions
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