Does anyone know if there is something special I need to do to run
SqueezeCenter under ActiveState perl with a custom cache directory on
Windows ?

I'm starting it as:

  perl --cachedir C:\Servers\SqueezeCenter701\CacheSmall 
--prefsdir C:\Servers\SqueezeCenter701\PrefsSmall --logdir 

And it doesn't seem to be able to start the bundled MySQL database,
because I get an error like this when starting:

  [08-05-12 08:11:20.7343] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (70) Error: 
DBIConnection failed: DBI 
failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10061) at 
C:\Servers\SqueezeCenter701\CPAN/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 652
  [08-05-12 08:11:20.7505] Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception (70) 
  frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace 
(C:/Servers/SqueezeCenter701/Slim/Schema/ line 70)
  frame 1: Slim::Schema::Storage::throw_exception 
(C:\Servers\SqueezeCenter701\CPAN/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 658)
  frame 2: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_connect 
(C:\Servers\SqueezeCenter701\CPAN/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 616)
  frame 3: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::_populate_dbh 
(C:\Servers\SqueezeCenter701\CPAN/DBIx/Class/Storage/ line 543)
  frame 4: DBIx::Class::Storage::DBI::ensure_connected 
(C:/Servers/SqueezeCenter701/Slim/Schema/ line 29)
  frame 5: (eval) (C:/Servers/SqueezeCenter701/Slim/Schema/ line 29)
  frame 6: Slim::Schema::Storage::dbh 
(C:/Servers/SqueezeCenter701/Slim/ line 121)
  frame 7: Slim::Schema::init (C:/Servers/SqueezeCenter701/Slim/Music/ 
line 76)
  frame 8: Slim::Music::Info::init ( line 348)
  frame 9: main::init ( line 451)
  frame 10: main::main ( line 1012)
  [08-05-12 08:11:20.7596] Slim::Schema::init (124) Error: Couldn't connect to 
database! Fatal error: [] Exiting!
  [08-05-12 08:11:20.7613] Slim::Schema::init (124) Backtrace:
  frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace 
(C:/Servers/SqueezeCenter701/Slim/ line 124)
  frame 1: Slim::Schema::init (C:/Servers/SqueezeCenter701/Slim/Music/ 
line 76)
  frame 2: Slim::Music::Info::init ( line 348)
  frame 3: main::init ( line 451)
  frame 4: main::main ( line 1012)
  [08-05-12 08:11:20.7663] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (1368) Warning: Trying to 
commit transactions before DB is initialized!

Is there something more I need to do to get this to work ?
I want to run it with custom prefs and cache directory to be able to
easily switch between different configurations and versions.


Erland Isaksson
'My homepage' ( 'My download page'
(Developer of 'TrackStat, SQLPlayList, DynamicPlayList, Custom Browse,
Custom Scan,  Custom Skip, Multi Library and Database Query plugins'
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