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Question: How do you primarily use your Squeezebox Controller?
- I usually place it back in the cradle after I've selected my music
- It tends to follow me around the house

I keep in on a table or otherwise near me.  In fact, the SBC has
actually changed how I use my SB2's quite a bit.  I find that I
actually listen via SB2 more often and I use it more interactively.  I
previously would select an album/playlist/station/etc and let it play. 
With the SBC I spend a lot more time jumping around, skipping songs,
etc.  I also love the SBC's Now Playing display when I'm listening to
Slacker or another music service and want to check on the artist or

Fletch's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=529
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