Well I got some progress, the 3 lines appear but only for about 1
second.  For some reason it wont pick up my block and duration code to
hold the display.

Any ideas? :s

This is the code that does work;
$client->showBriefly({ line => [$mytopline, $a],,}, {
                        'duration' => 15, 'block' => 0});

Expanded to use 3 lines, this doesnt work for more than 1 second;

'line' => [ $mytopline, $a, $mytopline ],
'duration' => 15,
'block' => 0,
'center' => [ $center1, $center2, $center3 ],
'overlay' => [ $overlay1, $overlay2, $overlay3 ],
'fonts' => { 'graphic-320x32' => 'threeline',}     


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