iPhone;310846 Wrote: 
> As Pat said, I had mine up and running in 10 minutes and I was sitting
> on the couch taking my time. I have had no real problems with it
> whatsoever. When I set Duets up for friends the average time after
> installing SC to get it up and running is about 6 minutes.

I'm trying to avoid Howard's threads but please keep it real.

Quoting the time it takes to get it up and running *AFTER* you've setup
SqueezeCenter is a little pointless, no? For many beginners, setting up
the SC server is the hardest part by far. You already had a server
setup in your home, so your 10mins is irrelevant. For the other owners,
you discount the setup time.

In my case, just indexing the music took almost 2hours. That doesn't
include the time I spent downloading the installer, getting
SqueezeCenter to start etc. 

10 minutes isn't just unrealistic for a new owner, it's impossible.


Ben - eco conscious techie and author of Jaffa's Green Blog -
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