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Question: Does Album Catalogue Creator (RC5+) create a trustworthy
- Yes
- Yes but with minor issues
- No
- It does not work at all

Just tried version 1 of this, works great!  Two very minor issues,

Under SqueezeCenter settings > Music Library > Articles to ignore when
sorting I've entered "A An The" which means SC sorts the same as

However, I've got three tracks by a band called "A", as in just a
capital letter A on it's own.  All three tracks are on different
compilations, which are recongnised as comps by SC, and indeed are
listed under Various Artists when I create a catalogue with ACC.

Also, I've got, as the very last entry on the catalog (the \Album
Catalogue Creator\AlbumCatalogs\AlbumCatalog - 14-06-2008.html.mht
view), a "missing image" placeholder; if I right-click it I get the
attached info, which tells me it's address is <<my path>>\Album
Catalogue Creator\AlbumCatalogs\ but there's nothing in there apart
from the 3 catalogues.  Any ideas?  All my artwork shows correctly in

I can e-mail you the catalogues and log files if that helps?

Win XP Pro SP2, Internet Explorer 7.

|Filename: error.jpg                                                |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=5293|


2 x SqueezeBox 3 | 1 x SqueezeCenter 7 | 1 x Win XP Pro SP2 | 1 x Happy
listener :-)
moley6knipe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10014
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=41597

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