I agree with your post.  I am seeing this too.  When I browse by artist
on the Controller I find albums where that artist is simply the
composer (not surprisingly, Bob Dylan is the main offender! - When I
browse for the artist Bob Dylan I find tracks by Jimmy Hendrix, Bryan
Ferry, U2, Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, Rod Stewart etc etc...).  The
SC 7.0.1 browser and SB3 interface do not do this.  All my music is
organised with iTunes and scanned from there into SC.

Maybe some people will say that this is what they want to see, but I
agree with you, I just want to see albums where Bob Dylan is the
artist, not the composer.  I considered changing the tags in my music,
but have decided not to for now, as I am sure things will change.

I also have another thread (sorry do not know how to link) about Search
for Artists showing a different behaviour on the Controller compared to
the SB3 and the SC 7.0.1 browser.

It seems that there are some inconsistencies between what is shown on
the Controller and the SB3/SC browser.  I am sure that people could
argue for a long time as to which is 'right' or 'better' but it would
be good if they could at least be consistent - or even better with a
few simple options that might meet most peoples requirements.

I am aware that there is a lot of debate about how to treat various
different tagging schemes, compilations, classical music etc and it
seems that nothing will ever please everyone.  

For example, I am also frustrated that on SC browser I can browse
albums (with artwork) sorted by artist, but cannot do this on the
Controller - but am aware that this is a feature that is being worked

I only wish I had the expertise to help and very much appreciate the
work of the developers to date - this system really has improved over
the last couple of years and features I wished for have arrived over


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