jimzak;315827 Wrote: 
> I have had no problems for a week or so.
> The only changes to the setup have been adding new music and a few
> rescans of the music collection to update it.
> I was listening to a random mix this morning when suddenly the music
> stopped.
> 1.  SqueezeCenter was running and displaying "Now Playing"
> 2.  The controller was seeing the same music and displaying it
> correctly
> 3.  The controller was connected to the Duet player
> I did a factory reset of the controller and Duet, and the music
> resumed.
> I'm using the Linksys WRT54G with good signal strength.
> SqueezeCenter 7.01 running on Vista (I know, I know...)
> No other processes running on the machine except SC
> What happened?

Instead of a factory reset, next time try unplugging the controller
(unless you have tried that already).  Wait a few minutes and plug it
back in.

My experiences with other wireless media servers has proven that a cold
start can do a world of good.  Not sure if this will help you or not but
it is worth a try.

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