I have both (and a Nokia 770 and an Asus Eee - all get used as
Squeezebox controllers occasionally!).

If funds are tight and you fancy getting a mobile wifi browser, get an
iPod Touch.  It gives most of the use of the Controller, and is the
best wifi mobile browser out there.  Lovely product.

However, if you just want a remote control for your music, the
Controller is better.  The scrolling is better (although the iPeng is
good), the keys are useful and it's more intuitive.  Put it in the
hands of a friend and it takes 10 seconds to explain how it works
(mainly the difference between play and add); then they're choosing
music and thinking about buying one themselves!

Neither works 100%.  Wifi has issues, and such things are never going
to be bug-free.  I still like to have my old IR remote within reach, in
case the phone goes and I need to turn it down without having to wait
for a wifi handshake!  The Controller is better in this respect, but
still not perfect.

I consider them complementary products - no reason not to get both, IMO


Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have

SB+, EAR V20, Living Voice OBX-R2s plus some other stuff
SB3, Charlize, Harbeth HL-P3ES
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