this is actually something I had wanted for some time, as someone whose
normal method of browsing the forums is to click on "New Posts" but who
can sometimes get interrupted in a session and lose the tagging of
unread new posts of genuine interest before the next session.

However when I did New Posts this morning I got 397 items shown which
includes dozens of ones I will never want to read (NAS configuration
anyone?) and lots that I can't read (German, French, etc).  As it is
this is not my ideal solution - a 10 day buffer seems way to much for

What I would like is the ability to "wipe the slate clean" at any point
and mark all posts as read so that next time I can start with genuine
new posts and take it from there.  

Is this possible?


davep's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=61
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=49384

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