I just upgraded from a Sansa Connect (which I used primarily for
Launchcast Plus internet radio) to a Squeezebox Duet, and I love it. 
However, there are some things that were a little easier with the Sansa
I believe SlimDevices/Logitech could adopt for the Squeezebox Duet (some
of these things aren't on the Sansa either, but I would like to see them
on the Squeezebox anyway):

- It is too easy to overshoot with the scroll wheel, IMO, and there's
  a weird lag between when the wheel starts to turn and the selection
  bar moves up or down.
- Scrolling with the wheel during playback should make the playlist
  menu appear, or if there is no playlist playing; then the Favorites
  menu should appear.
- I would love it if I could get my customized Launchcast Plus
  station on the Squeezebox.  If Yahoo! and Rhapsody could hook up,
  maybe there's hope for us Squeezebox owners?
- Rhapsody channels should have descriptions appear automatically
  after a delay. For example, a truncated description could appear in a
  notification bar at the bottom of the screen and clicking the center
  button would pull the description full screen.
- A quick shortcut to add to favorites (double click the + key, for
- Instant playlists: Make a mix based on current artist/track.
- Make mixes of streams that can be added to favorites.
- Lists of Rhapsody channels should include sample album art and
  artists with each channel without extra menu navigation.
- Make it clearer in settings which are for the controller and which
  are for the receiver.
- The layout of squeezenetwork should be customizable.  Browsing
  Rhapsody, for example, requires a lot of scrolling to the bottom half
  of the page.
- Hide unwanted items from appearing in controller for faster

I can already anticipate that some will view one or more of these
suggestions as a change for the worse, so in those cases, making the
change an option would be best, I feel.  Thanks.

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