pablolie;317052 Wrote: 
> I wish it weren't true, but as big a fan I am of the traditional SB, I
> am utterly disappointed with the Duet. In its current form it is not a
> comsumer-ready device at all. The temperamental wireless behavior of
> the SBC is widely documented in these forums, and that is just the
> people that decide to actually try to fix it, as opposed to those who
> simply return the product without bothering any further.Pablolie, perhaps one 
> day when you & I, like Radish, have posted 3,379
snippets of intellect, we'll be entitled to express our opinions. 
Radish, before you launch into a diatribe and repeat yourself, I get
it...albeit I don't agree.  This isn't the first thread in which you've
seen fit to admonish other's posts, so no need to reply.  Enough said
from me.


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