GlenL;317805 Wrote: 
> Thanks for those Simbo.
> :-)
> Has your phone been wiretapped though :-)
> Just placed an order for a Duet. Comes to £170-90 with shipping.
> Thanks again Jungle, nice find.

Tsk, as any fule no, once you're wearing a tinfoil hat, nothing can get

BTW - Glad you've managed to get a Duet. I settled for a Controller but
will have, later this evening, to explain to my other half why I took my
cow to market and came back with a handful of magic beans. Should be an
interesting conversation, given the credit crunch in Jungle towers...

[This response would have been much funnier if I had managed to embed
the attached image]

|Filename: tinfoil-hat.jpg                                          |


They say that laughter is the best medicine but, if you're an asthmatic,
ventolin is probably a better bet.
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