Well, I can see where MrSinatra is coming from. So you have 3 bad tags
in 10000 titles. If you are vigilant and run the file status and drop
into DOS (DOS!!) and type some DOS commands you can find out you have a
problem. You can then start trawling through your folders until you are
lucky enough to find the offending files.
Meanwhile there is a smug piece of software sitting inside of
Squeezecenter, saying 'Well I know which ones they are, but I'm not
telling you!'

All I would like to see is, after a scan, a report appears on screen
saying something like '3 File Tag read errors, please view Error log
file'. In the error file would be the file path names. It would then be
down to the user to sort them out. 
If this is such a bad idea, why is it planned to be included in a
future release?

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