So I am now the proud owner of a pair of Audioengine 5 speakers. I'm
currently running them in using an SB3 on random play. The next step is
to install them in the room intended for them. I have searched the web
but I can't find a definitive answer on how to mount them, especially
because they need to be mounted at least 6-12" from the wall. 
The manual recommends the use of speaker stands. However, the speakers
don't appear to have any means of fixing them to a stand. Most of the
stands I have come across appear to just rely on gravity to keep the
speakers in place.
I have visions of one stray nudge of a stand or speaker sending the
speaker to an early grave on my solid tiled floor.
Also, how do you guys out there with powered speakers on stands connect
and position the SB3? I have thought of securing it to the top of the LH
speaker with velcro or similar.

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