bpa;325875 Wrote: 
> Sine the real URL plays OK - the problem is either retrieving the
> playlist or parsing the playlist.
> The following will generate a lot of message if SC can retrive the
> playlist from shoutcast.
> Set logging network.asynchttp to DEBUG
> Paste the following URL into Tune-in and try to play.
> > 
  >   > 
> > 
> The log will show the progress of SC reading the playlist froms
> shoutcastswith a log of HTTP requests.

I think we're on to something. See log below (again thx for the effort
to try to solve the problem.

[08-08-04 15:53:58.2086] Slim::Networking::Async::connect (117)
Connecting to www.shoutcast.com:80
[08-08-04 15:53:58.3277] Slim::Networking::Async::_async_connect (189)
connected, ready to write request
[08-08-04 15:53:58.3302] Slim::Networking::Async::write_async (219)
Sending: [GET /sbin/tunein-station.pls?id=1025&filename=playlist.pls
Connection: close
Cache-Control: no-cache
Accept: */*
Host: www.shoutcast.com
User-Agent: iTunes/4.7.1 (Unix; N; freebsd; i386-freebsd; EN; utf8)
Icy-Metadata: 1

[08-08-04 15:53:58.4485] Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_read
(319) Headers read. code: 200 status: OK
[08-08-04 15:53:58.4500] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::select (250)
Error: Select task failed: Undefined subroutine &Scalar::Util::blessed
called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/overload.pm line 89.
[08-08-04 15:54:09.0037]
Slim::Networking::SimpleAsyncHTTP::_createHTTPRequest (111) GETing
[08-08-04 15:54:09.0075] Slim::Networking::Async::connect (117)
Connecting to www.squeezenetwork.com:80
[08-08-04 15:54:09.0317] Slim::Networking::Async::_async_connect (189)
connected, ready to write request
[08-08-04 15:54:09.0340] Slim::Networking::Async::write_async (219)
Sending: [GET /api/v1/players HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Cache-Control: no-cache
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: en
Host: www.squeezenetwork.com
User-Agent: iTunes/4.7.1 (Unix; N; freebsd; i386-freebsd; EN; utf8)
Cookie: sdi_squeezenetwork_session=82685%3ALdah9IjbQVlzXevzw1OKfwXJkPM
Cookie2: $Version="1"
Icy-Metadata: 1

[08-08-04 15:54:09.0753] Slim::Networking::Async::HTTP::_http_read
(319) Headers read. code: 200 status: OK
[08-08-04 15:54:09.0766] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::select (250)
Error: Select task failed: Undefined subroutine &Scalar::Util::blessed
called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/5.8.8/overload.pm line 89.


Author of -'AlbumCatalogCreator' (http://www.vanholt.nl/acc/acc.htm)-
for SqueezeCenter & SlimServer
SilverRS8's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=12818
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