Re Greg's recent Blog post, is it worth considering a question at
least about which topic was best received?

As a self-evaluation, I take a minute or two after every workshop to
review and note where I thought I did the best presentation and why,
and where I was weakest and why.  Sometimes it's an off day, sometimes
it's a topic/attendee disconnect, sometimes it's my preparation (or
lack thereof).  Not sure whether that would be appropriate for
something like this.

I also like to note whether there seemed to be anything -- topic, new
metaphor, student question, whatever -- that got people more
interested than others.

-- bennet

On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 10:04 AM, John Blischak <> wrote:
> Thanks for getting this started, Dan. Some other ideas for questions:
>   + For each topic they report teaching, have them also report the
> amount of time it took and which lessons they were able to teach.
>   + It would also be informative to know how many attendees they had.
> John
> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 8:00 AM, Daniel Chen <> wrote:
>> Hi Mike:
>> Yep, Greg just told me about an existing survey.  I'll take over the data
>> collection and analysis for it.
>> - Dan
>> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 4:18 AM, Michael J Jackson <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> Quoting Daniel Chen <> on Thu, 4 Sep 2014 18:07:45 -0400:
>>>> Hi everyone:
>>>> One of the discussion points in John's issue [1] regarding adding time
>>>> estimates and Greg's recent blog post [2] was to include a post-workshop
>>>> survey for the instructors -- something that is short, but objective so
>>>> we
>>>> can track how workshops are going from the instructors point of view.  It
>>>> might be good to start documenting instructor feedback as swc's
>>>> instructor
>>>> pool increases, and can be used to supplement the proposed bi-monthly
>>>> instructor meetings.
>>>> I've done a very bad and rough mock up of what it might entail [3].  And
>>>> posting on this group for 1) general feedback on the idea of a post
>>>> bootcamp survey, and 2) any other relevant questions.
>>> There's also this form which instructors complete post-workshop,
>>> It may be worth combining that with yours.
>>> cheers,
>>> mike
>>>> I am more than happy to add people as collaborators, just send me an
>>>> e-mail
>>>> of the email you want me to add you as.
>>>> - Dan
>>>> [1]
>>>> [2]
>>>> [3]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Dr. Michael (Mike) Jackson
>>> Software Architect                 Tel: +44 (0)131 650 5141
>>> EPCC, The University of Edinburgh
>>> Software Sustainability Institute
>>> --
>>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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