Hi Daisie,

thanks for your email and congrats for your first workshop.

> I noticed, when preparing my materials, that it seemed to
> be common practice to mix and match the lessons from the ones on the main
> repo, but I couldn't find any reference to previous materials/versions that
> other people had used to teach previous workshops.

This is one problem when we move from https://github.com/swcarpentry/bc/
to https://github.com/swcarpentry/lesson-template/ model.
With BC we can always know what version of the lesson was used.

> In addition, I added some
> diagrams and writeups that I'd written and found helpful in other contexts
> to my lessons, but I don't yet feel comfortable making a case for those
> changes to be integrated into the main repository. I'm sure this must be
> true for other instructors as well!

Back to when I organize workshops starting with
I created pull requests for small changes made for my workshop
before the workshop, normally typos.


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